Mergers & Acquisitions - ThreatWarrior


Identify threats when integrating networks.

Cyber risk assessments are a critical part of the M&A process. ThreatWarrior’s technology enables organizations to conduct the proper cybersecurity due diligence, ensuring that the target company has not been or is not currently compromised. We help organizations quickly and proactively identify cyber risks, compliance discrepancies, and more.

Security before, during, and after your acquisition.

Simple Deployments

Simply deploy ThreatWarrior into the target network and it will begin mapping out all assets and connections across traditional, IoT, hybrid and multi-cloud environments. The platform is deployed in less 20 minutes without complex configurations or software agent installations, allowing it to work quickly under demanding M&A timelines.

Complete Visibility

ThreatWarrior enables you to identify any inconsistencies, providing complete visibility into system vulnerabilities and implementation differences. Our technology helps users identify and remediate these issues prior to combining the networks, mitigating the possible risks involved.


Expose All Risks

Without performing the proper due diligence, acquiring companies run the risk of inheriting all past and present cyber risks from the target organization. ThreatWarrior not only discovers any risks prior to M&As, it protects you from all cyber threats during and after the networks are integrated.


Asset Inventory

ThreatWarrior’s 3D Universe immerses users into a visual understanding of every network-connected device. It graphically displays every asset across your entire digital estate, from on-premises infrastructure to IoT, hybrid and multi-cloud environments.

There is often a misalignment between devices actually connected to the network and those reported as part of the acquisition evaluation. Security cameras, smart printers, even connected lighting or A/C systems can be avenues for cyberattacks. If these assets are unaccounted for and invisible to your team, you could be inviting compromised devices into your network, and it only takes one compromise to bring the whole thing crashing down.

ThreatWarrior solves this problem for you. Plus, our platform identifies all connected devices at machine-speed, taking the burden of your IT team and ensuring you stay under your merger deadlines. With ThreatWarrior, you can rest assured that every device is assessed, analyzed, accounted for and protected.

Get a Demo

Schedule a one-on-one demo with a ThreatWarrior expert to see how we can help your team stop cyber threats before they become breaches.